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Product details


Medex Inj. 5mL


Dexmedetomidine Hydrochloride 0.118mg/ml



Main ingredient and content
1. Calm under Intensive Care Management

Patients who are initially intubated under intensive care management and who undergo multiphasic breathing

2. Surgery and Procedures for Non-Intubated Patients

(1) Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC
It should be used only in facilities equipped with people and equipment capable of monitoring anesthesia, artificial respiration and cardiovascular.

The dose should be titrated according to the patient.

This drug should be continuously injected intravenously in patients who are ventilated before, during, and after exhalation. There is no need to stop this medicine before exhalation. The dose should be reduced to half after draining. The mean duration of sustained infusion is about 6.6 hours.

The drug should be administered using an adjustable intravenous infusion device.


Dosage adjustment: Dosage reduction is needed when using this drug in combination with anesthesia, sedatives, hypnotics or drugs due to pharmacodynamic interactions.

Reduced doses should be considered for patients with renal impairment or liver failure, and those older than 65 years.

Preparation of intravenous infusion solution:

To prepare the required concentration (4 mcg / ml) prior to dosing, dilute this solution in 0.9% saline solution. The solution preparation is carried out with the same load capacity or the same holding capacity. Strict aseptic techniques should be maintained while handling this drug. Add 2 ml of this solution to 48 ml of 0.9% physiological saline solution to prepare 50 ml, then shake slowly to mix well. Injections should be visually inspected for particulate matter or discoloration prior to administration.

Administration with other sap

Due to lack of established physical fitness, this drug should not be administered concomitantly via the same intravenous catheter with blood or plasma. This drug is not suitable for administration with amphotericin B and diazepam.

This drug is suitable for administration with the following injectable solutions and drugs: 0.9% saline, 5% glucose injection, 20% mannitol, alfentanil hydrochloride, amikacin sulfate, aminophylline, amiodarone hydrochloride, ampicillin sodium, - sodium sulphate, atracurium besylate, atropine sulphate, azithromycin, aztreonam, bretylium tosylate, bumetanide, butorphanol tartrate, calcium gluconate, cephazoline sodium, Cell ferazone sodium, cytotoxic sodium, cytotetan sodium, sodium hypoxanthine etc
Storage method
Precautions for use